
Neon Love · A Bangkok Tale of Fate and Desire

Pocketbook · 160 pages · English language

ISBN: 9783384205391


Available at your local bookstore and online at Amazon, Thalia, Hugendubel, Osiander, tredition, etc.


      Romantic ·  Passionate ·  Captivating


Natthapon, the suave heir to a chain of luxury car shops, and Awin, a talented

self-taught artist from a modest background, find themselves entangled in a web

of fate and desire.


Despite societal pressures and past flames, they stand united, their bond strengthened amidst challenges. 


Set against the neon-lit backdrop of Bangkok's bustling cityscape, their story unfolds -

a vibrant tale of passion, perseverance, and the triumph of love over adversity.


Join them on their journey, where their love story defies all limits, showcasing that genuine love transcends every boundary.

Reading sample


Chapter 1


Under the Neon Glow:

A Chance Encounter in the rain


     The evening draped over Natthapon like a heavy cloak, the darkness punctuated only by the intermittent flashes of lightning that streaked across the sky. Dawn bid farewell, its last rays of light fading into the horizon leaving Natthapon to navigate through a rainstorm that seemed

to have a personal vendetta against him.

     The street, a narrow artery winding through a desolate neighborhood in Bangkok, seemed to stretch endlessly into the obscurity ahead, dimly lit by the neon glow of the streetlights. His car, a faithful companion on countless journeys through the night, suddenly betrayed him

as it stuttered and wheezed to a halt in the middle of the dimly lit street.         

     Natthapon cursed softly under his breath and hit the steering wheel, frustration mounting as raindrops pelted against the windshield

with relentless fury. He fumbled for his mobile phone, only to be met with the bitter realization that its battery had decided to take an early retirement. „Seriously?” he yelled at the heavens, as if the universe had orchestrated this just to mess with him.    


     Stepping out into the downpour, Natthapon's heart sank further as he popped open the hood of his car,

revealing a maze of unfamiliar machinery. His mechanical knowledge was limited at best, and he found himself staring helplessly at the engine, willing it to reveal its secrets.

     A sudden interruption shattered the silence as a scooter pulled up beside him, its headlights cutting through the darkness like a beacon of hope, ...or was it just another twist in this twisted night?  

     Natthapon turned to see a figure clad in a raincoat and helmet, barely discernible through the curtain of rain. ‘Great,’ he thought, ‘this could either be my savior or the villain in a B-grade horror flick.’ 


     The driver's voice, muffled by the sound of the pouring rain, cut through the night air. “Hi. Problems? Do you need help?” the driver asked.  Relief Natthapon realized he might not end up as a headline in tomorrow's news.          

     The guy with the scooter removed his helmet, revealing himself as Awin, a friendly stranger in this unfamiliar landscape. Despite his initial wariness, Natthapon felt a sense of trust in the guy’s demeanor. His handsome face and the way he looked him in the eyes were reassuring

in a way.   

     “Well, yeah, I guess I could need some help. My car just broke down. It suddenly stuttered and then the engine stopped, and I don’t have

a clue why,” Natthapon answered, with a desperate look in his eyes, shrugging his shoulders.   

     “I see,” Awin said. “Unfortunately, I don’t have much idea about cars either, but my father owns a nearby car repair shop. I can get him have your car towed to the shop, and have it checked if you want.”

     Natthapon hesitated, torn between his apprehension of accepting help from a stranger and the realization that he had no other viable options with his mobile phone dead and the night growing darker in this uninviting area.  “Well, um, ok, if this isn’t too much to ask for, I would appreciate your help,” Natthapon agreed reluctantly to Awin‘s offer of assistance.

     “Ok, just wait here for a few minutes. I’ll get my father with his tow truck,” the answer came.


     As he sped off on his scooter to fetch his father, Natthapon waited anxiously, his mind racing with thoughts of the unknown. Minutes felt like hours until the guy returned, accompanied by his father Anuphap and a tow truck.           

     The father was a middle-aged man, a sporty fellow with a friendly face and positive aura. His hair was cropped short, and he was in his work attire and a dark green rain jacket. “Sawasdee young man,” Awin’s father greeted. “What seems to be the problem here?”

    “Sawasdee khrab sir. I have no idea. Everything seemed ok, and suddenly the car started to stutter and came to a halt,” Natthapon said, shrugging his shoulders again.

     “Hm,” the father grunted. “Strange for an expensive car like this. I am sure it isn’t anything serious, but let’s take that baby to the shop and check what’s the matter. Can’t do this here in the pouring rain.”

     “OK, if you think that is best, then yes, please let’s do that,” Natthapon answered, sending off a secret prayer that he would not be robbed, kidnapped or worse.


     The father moved to fix a chain to the car and slowly and carefully, not to get any scratches on the shiny car paint, hoisted it on the truck.      

Natthapon watched with a mixture of gratitude and apprehension. Once the car was securely fixed in the back of the truck, the three men got into the vehicle and drove away into the night.


     The car repair shop, illuminated by fluorescent lights, offered a stark contrast to the darkness outside. Natthapon followed Awin and his father as they took the car into the shop, where the faint smell of grease and oil permeated the air.         

     There was a hydraulic ramp with an old car on it without wheels. Another car stood above a workshop pit. Tires stacked in one corner and a clutter of tools and machinery everywhere.

     “OK,” the father said to the car, “let’s see what hiccup did make you go on strike,” opening the hood of the black Mercedes coupé. “You guys go inside and get some dry clothes. You’re drenched and will catch a cold if you don’t change.”

     He waved the guys off, disappearing under the car’s hood. As Awin 's father set to work, Natthapon felt a sense of awe at the unexpected kindness shown to him by strangers in the dead of night. Despite the initial uncertainty, Natthapon realized that sometimes, the darkest nights lead to the brightest encounters.

Romance Under the Banyan Tree

From City Lights to Sanctuary Nights

Pocketbook · 148 pages · English language

ISBN: 9783384247445


Available at your local bookstore and online at Amazon, Thalia, Hugendubel, Osiander, tredition, etc.


       Charming · Gripping ·  Witty


In the bustling city of Bangkok, Nongchat seemed to have it all - youth, charm, 

and a privileged upbringing. But one drunken night, a lost bet lands him at

an elephant sanctuary in Krabi.


There, he meets Thanasak, a rugged veterinarian, and sparks fly amidst hilarious mishaps. What began as clashes of city versus country soon blossomed into a deep bond, filled with laughter, love, and a shared passion for the gentle giants.


Join them on a heartwarming journey of discovery, where unexpected twists lead to a life filled with joy, understanding, and the true meaning of love.

Reading sample


Chapter 1


A Bet and a Belle:

A Rooftop Bar and a Lost Challenge


     Nongchat couldn’t quite remember what had possessed him to join the rooftop bar escapade that fateful night in Bangkok.      

Maybe it was the stress of exams, or maybe it was the sheer allure of the city lights stretching out beneath him like a be-dazzled blanket.   

Whatever it was, it led him, a usually composed and ever-so-slightly privileged and handsome medical student, into the clutches of a bet he would soon regret.


     The rooftop bar was a sight to behold. Strings of fairy lights crisscrossed above, casting a warm, inviting glow over the crowd.         

The hum of conversation mixed with the steady beat of the music - a blend of modern pop hits and old-school Thai classics. The air was thick with the scent of grilled skewers and exotic cocktails, the chatter punctuated by bursts of laughter and the occasional cheer as someone knocked back a particularly potent shot.

     From his vantage point, Nongchat could see the Chao Phraya River below, its dark waters dotted with colorful lit ships that looked like floating lanterns drifting lazily downstream.

     The city's skyline glittered, high-rises and temples alike casting reflections that danced on the water's surface.


     Nongchat was in the company of his closest friends, though in his current state, the line between friend and instigator was blurry.

Earlier that evening, they had dinner together at an exclusive Japanese restaurant, indulging in sushi and sake before deciding to hit the rooftop bar for drinks.

     Pao, his obnoxiously charming classmate, was theringleader. With his ever-present smirk and mischievous glint in his eye, Pao was the kind of guy who could talk you into just about anything.        

"That sushi was killer, but we need some real fun now," Pao had said, flashing a grin. He was flanked by Mint and Beam, equally buzzed and equally complicit.

     Mint, with her pixie-cut hair and infectious laugh, was the loudest cheerleader for any of Pao's harebrained schemes.      

"C’mon, let’s hit the rooftop bar. The night’s just getting started! " she had exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

     Beam, quieter but no less daring, was the steady anchor of the group, always ready with a sarcastic quip or a steadying hand when things went too far.    

"Yeah, let’s go see what kind of trouble we can find up there," he had added with a chuckle. And so, they had found themselves at the rooftop bar, the night air filled with the promise of adventure and a hint of mischief.     

     As they settled into their seats, the city lights sparkling around them, the booze started flowing like there was no tomorrow. Nongchat found himself getting sucked into the fun, each drink making everything a bit more hazy. Pao was on a mission, ordering round after round with

a smirk that said, "Why stop now?" And hey, who were they to argue? So they kept 'em coming, one after another, laughing and joking like there was no end in sight.

     "C’mon, Chat! Don’t be such a wuss! " Pao slurred, waving a shot of something potent in Nongchat’s face. "Bet you don’t dare ask Peach out for dinner! "

     Nongchat blinked slowly, the alcohol blurring his vision but not enough to obscure Peach, the undisputed queen of their faculty.  

She stood by the bar, laughing with her friends, her perfect hair shining under the neon lights like some kind of shampoo commercial.       

In a sober state, Nongchat knew better than to approach her. But tonight, logic had left the building.

     "You’re insane, " Mint giggled, nudging Beam. "This is going to be epic. "

     "Do it, Nongchat! " Beam urged, his grin wide. "What’s the worst that can happen? "

     "I’ll do it, " Nongchat declared, puffing out his chest with the confidence only a few drinks can bestow. "Right, what’s the worst that can happen? "

     "Attaboy!" Pao patted him on the shoulder, making him almost stumble off the rooftop, at least that's how it felt to Nongchat. He steadied himself, took a deep breath, and swaggered over to Peach.

     "Hey, Peach! " he said, his voice cracking halfway through. Smooth, Nongchat. Real smooth.

     Peach turned, her eyes narrowing in confusion, then widening in amusement.          

"Chat? Are you... are you drunk? "

     "Nope! " he lied, swaying slightly. "Just... extremely confident. Wanna have dinner with me? "

     For a split second, there was silence. Then, Peach burst out laughing. Not just a polite giggle, but a full-blown, head-thrown-back laugh. Nongchat felt his face turn a shade of red that no medical textbook could describe accurately.

     "Oh my God, Nongchat! That’s... well, that’s adorable," she said between fits of laughter. "But no, I don’t think so. " She concluded, turning back to her friends.

     Humiliated, Nongchat slunk back to his friends, who were, naturally, in fits of their own.           

     "Well, guess you gotta do the forfeit, " Pao said, barely able to contain his glee.

     "Can’t believe you actually did it! " Mint gasped, wiping tears of laughter from her eyes.

     "Man, you’ve got guts, " Beam chuckled. "Stupid, drunken guts. "          

     The forfeit turned out to be two weeks of volunteering at an elephant sanctuary in Krabi. Now, this might sound like a noble and rewarding experience, and sure, it probably was, but it would for sure also involve a lot of dirty, sweaty work and... elephant poop.  

And Nongchat wasn’t exactly the ‘get your hands dirty’ type of guy.        

     The next morning, Nongchat woke up with a pounding headache and a churning stomach, regretting every last cocktail from the night before. Dragging himself to the breakfast table, he mustered the courage to talk to his parents about the bet he had lost.          

     As Nongchat spilled the beans, his parents’ disappointment was palpable. They were not amused by the extensive rich kids' nightlife he and his friends were leading. They'd always hoped he'd follow their lead into law and had reluctantly supported his choice to study medicine, but his nocturnal escapades with his posh pals were a really sore spot.           

They  hoped their son would channel his free time into more respectable activities. But here he was, nursing a hangover and confessing to reckless bets. It was a far cry from what they had envisioned for him.  

     "Nongchat, nightlife will be your downfall," his mother sighed, shaking her head. "But maybe this will be a character-building experience. "

     "Yeah, Ma, " he agreed, trying to sound earnest. "It’ll be great. Elephants, nature, fresh air. A real change of pace."

Espresso Hearts

A Delicious Blend of Love and Coffee

Pocketbook · 160 pages · English language

ISBN: 9783384236234


Available at your local bookstore and online at Amazon, Thalia, Hugendubel, Osiander, tredition, etc.


       Compelling · Intriguing ·  Enchanting


Enter the enchanting world of Chiang Mai, where Tee's world is forever changed when he rescues a mysterious stranger, setting off a chain of events that unveil a web of betrayal and deception within a wealthy coffee dynasty.


As Tee and Earth's love blossoms amidst adversity, they must confront familial expectations and treacherous enemies to forge a future defined by resilience 

and unwavering devotion.


Set against the enchanting landscape of Northern Thailand, ‘Espresso Hearts’ is

a captivating tale of romance, intrigue, and strength.

Reading sample

 Chapter 1


City Awakening:

A Day in Tee's World


      In the heart of Chiang Mai, nestled in a back alley, Tee's humble home stood, a sanctuary amidst the bustling city. The little wooden house, though lacking in lavishness, emanated warmth and coziness, a proof to Tee's meticulous care and attention to detail.       


     Inside, the walls were adorned with colorful tapestries, and shelves displayed an array of potted plants, their vibrant greenery breathing life into the space.      

     A single bed with a mosquito net hanging above, a small wooden kitchen table with two chairs, an old chest of drawers with a pretty lamp and some personal items on it and a wardrobe was nearly all the little room contained. Nothing fancy, nothing expensive, but all very tasteful.  

     In front of the windows, one overlooking the small alley, the other overlooking a small garden behind the house, there were simple white curtains that moved slightly in the breeze from the fan. The only noises you could hear were a few crickets and the occasional motor scooter rattling past.

     As the soft chime of his alarm clock broke the morning silence, Tee stirred from his slumber, greeted by the gentle rays of the rising sun filtering through his windows.    

    With a yawn that could wake the dead, he rose from his bed, his bare feet padding against the polished wooden floor. Tee stretched lazily, his muscles awakening as he shuffled towards the bathroom.


     Arriving there, he flicked on the light and squinted slightly at the sudden brightness. His gaze met the mirror, where he took a moment to

appraise his reflection. He ran his fingers over his skin, noting its smoothness, before he reached for his toothbrush. With methodical strokes, he brushed his teeth, the minty freshness zapping him further awake.

       Casting a critical eye over his body, he flexed his muscles, satisfied with the tone and shape. A small smile graced his lips as he admired his physique, a testament to his dedication to fitness. A quick shower refreshed him, washing away the last lingers of sleep.    

     The thought of freshly brewed coffee beckoned him to the kitchen like a siren's call. In his compact yet efficient kitchenette, Tee worked his magic, brewing his morning elixir with the precision of a mad scientist.

     He carefully selected the perfect blend of coffee beans,

inhaling their intoxicating fragrance as he measured them out. The rich aroma filled the air, wrapping around him like a warm blanket.

     Savoring the first sip, he closed his eyes and let out a content sigh. But his morning ritual wasn't complete without tending to his little garden in the backyard.       


     Stepping outside, he was greeted by a symphony of chirping birds and fluttering butterflies, nature's harmonious melody.      

The garden was nothing much, just a tiny patch of green, but to Tee, it was a sacred oasis of tranquility. He loved nothing more than puttering around among the plants, coaxing them to grow with his gentle touch. It was his little slice of paradise, a place where he could escape the chaos of the world and simply be.

     During his time off from work, Tee could often be found in his hammock, swaying gently in the breeze, a book in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. It was his favorite spot to unwind, lost in the pages of a good book. Unlike many of his peers, Tee had a deep passion for reading. For him, books were portals to new worlds, avenues for learning, and sources of endless inspiration. They provided him with solace, allowing him to escape the whirlwind of daily life and delve into realms of imagination and knowledge.   


     Sometimes, Tee ventured out to the market, a treasure hunt for new additions to his garden. He would spend hours wandering among the stalls, his eyes scanning for the perfect plant to add to the pretty picture of his garden. Tee's love for gardening extended beyond just selecting plants; he often engaged in lively conversations with the vendors, discussing the right choice of plant for his garden and the best care techniques. It was a hobby that brought him immense joy, watching his garden grow and flourish under his care.     


     As he sat in his hammock, surrounded by the lush greenery of his garden, sipping on his coffee, Tee couldn't help but feel a deep sense of contentment. Life may have its ups and downs and has certainly had its hardships, but in this moment, everything felt perfect. With a satisfied smile, he closed his eyes, basking in the warm embrace of the sun and the soothing sounds of nature.


     Once he finished his coffee, Tee watered his beloved shrubs and flowers with careful hands, each one a testament to his nurturing spirit. He hummed a cheerful tune as he worked, the sound blending harmoniously with the songs of the birds. Just as he finished tending to the last plant, a colorful butterfly fluttered by, as if on cue, and landed delicately on his outstretched finger. Tee chuckled. "Now does that make me a Disney princess?" he asked his new fluttery friend.

     “Good morning, my little winged companion,” he greeted the butterfly and blew on it gently before it took off on its merry way. "Off to spread some more magic, I see." With a satisfied smile, Tee bid farewell to his garden, promising to return later with tales of the outside world. He grabbed his bag and keys, ready for another day in busy Chiang Mai. 


     As he stepped out into the lively street, the aroma of sizzling street food and the chatter of locals filled the air. Tee took a deep breath, taking in the vibrant sights and sounds that surrounded him. The city was alive with energy, and he felt a surge of excitement for the day ahead.

     With a swing, Tee hopped onto his scooter and set off through the crowded streets, his mind buzzing with anticipation. Who knew what adventures awaited him today? Whether it was stumbling upon a cozy bookstore tucked away in a quiet alley or discovering a serene

garden oasis hidden amidst the lively city streets, Tee was always ready for whatever hidden gem the day had in store.


     Weaving through the colorful chaos of the city, he felt thankful for the simple joys in life: a beautiful garden, a friendly butterfly, and the promise of a new day filled with endless possibilities.        

     The journey to the coffee shop was a familiar one, the winding alleyways alive with the hustle and bustle of the morning rush. Tee greeted familiar faces along the way, his presence welcomed by both humans and stray animals alike. Near the corner of the coffee shop, a stray dog awaited his arrival and Tee’s daily visit, its tail wagging in anticipation.           

     "Hey there, buddy," Tee cooed, squatting down to the dog's level and scratching behind its ears. "You hungry today?" The dog's tail wagged even harder in response as Tee reached into his bag to retrieve a portion of rice porridge.

"Looks like you've been waiting patiently," Tee remarked with a warm smile, pouring the food into a plastic bowl he had brought along. "Here you go, a little treat for you." The dog sniffed enthusiastically at the offering, its eyes gleaming with gratitude as it eagerly devoured the meal. "You're welcome, buddy," Tee said softly, watching the dog eat with contentment before continuing on his way.             

     It was a simple gesture, but one that brought immense joy to Tee's heart and became another precious morning ritual for him - sharing his breakfast with this little companion. If circumstances allowed, he would have gladly adopted the little pup, but with his demanding work schedule, it remained an impossible dream.     


     Finally arriving at the cozy coffee shop, Tee was greeted by the comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Behind the counter, his colleague and best friend, Ploy, awaited him with a warm smile.  


The shop's interior was a charming blend of rustic wood and soft, ambient lighting, with plush armchairs and small, round tables that beckoned patrons to sit and stay awhile. Shelves lined with an array of colorful mugs and books added to the homey feel, making it the perfect retreat from the outside world. 

     "Morning, Tee! How was your night?" Ploy inquired, pouring him a cup of coffee without asking.

     "Quiet, as usual," Tee replied with a chuckle, taking a seat at the counter. "But I'm ready for another day of brewing magic."

     "Hey Tee, you won't believe what happened last night," Ploy exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with excitement as he leaned in closer to his friend.

Tee smiled, intrigued by Ploy's infectious enthusiasm.

      "Alright, spill the beans. What mischief did you get up to this time?" Ploy's grin widened as he launched into his tale.

      "So, we decided to check out that new bar downtown. You know, the one with the neon lights and funky music? Anyway, we were having a great time, dancing and laughing, when suddenly, who do we see in the crowd but our old high school teacher, Mr. Somsak!" Tee's eyes widened in disbelief.

     "No way! What was he doing there?"

     "That's what we wanted to know!" Ploy exclaimed, gesturing animatedly with his hands. "Turns out, he's a closet disco enthusiast! We ended up chatting with him for hours, reminiscing about the good old days. It was surreal, but so much fun." Tee laughed at the unexpected twist in Ploy's evening.

     "Sounds like a night to remember, for sure. Who knew Mr. Somsak had such hidden depths?" Ploy nodded enthusiastically.       

     "Exactly! It just goes to show, you should never charge a book by its cover. But enough about me, how about you? Any exciting plans for tonight?  Tee chuckled softly, shaking his head.   

     "No grand plans, just the usual routine," he replied.

     "Probably heading home, whipping up something simple for dinner, and then settling into my hammock with a good book. That's my idea of a perfect evening."       


     While they were working,  they continued to exchange stories and laughter, the aroma of freshly baked croissants, creating a moment of pure joy amidst the morning rush. Together, they meticulously organized the displays, ensuring that each cake and sandwich was presented with care. Their efforts were soon joined by the arrival of their boss, Mr. Somchai, whose presence added a sense of order to the bustling atmosphere. Just as they were settling into the rhythm of the morning chores, the jingle of the door signaled his arrival. He entered with a warm smile.          

     "Good morning, boys," he greeted, his voice carrying across the room. "How are we all today?" Tee and Ploy exchanged quick, grinning glances before responding in unison, reminiscent of students greeting their teacher at school.

     "Good morning, Khun Somchai! We're doing well, thank you." Mr. Somchai nodded smiling, his gaze sweeping over

the shop with a keen eye.         

     "Excellent. I trust everything is in order?"

     "Absolutely, sir," Tee assured him, gesturing towards the neatly arranged displays.

     "We're all set for another busy day."

     "Fantastic," Mr. Somchai replied, his smile widening. "Keep up the good work, gentlemen. And don't forget to take a break when you can."     

With a final nod of approval, he made his way towards his office, leaving Tee and Ploy to resume their duties.


     The shop opened for business and the first customers began to trickle in, drawn by the promise of freshly brewed coffee and delectable treats. Tee and Ploy seamlessly transitioned into their roles as baristas, their hands moving with practiced precision as they crafted each cup with care. The hours passed in a blur of activity, the cafe alive with laughter and conversation. With the arrival of early evening, Tee and Ploy began the process of closing up, tidying away the remnants of the day's commotion and activity.

     Once work was finished and they locked the doors behind them, Tee couldn't shake off the feeling of contentment enveloping him.

It was a familiar sensation, a blend of satisfaction and gratitude that often accompanied the end of a busy day. As he made his way back home through the streets of Chiang Mai, he knew that tomorrow would bring with it another opportunity to pour his heart and soul into his craft, one cup of coffee at a time. Little did he know...

Paradise Partners

Culinary Kisses and Island Wishes

Pocketbook · 140 pages · English language

ISBN: 978-3-384-31361-4


Available at your local bookstore and online at Amazon, Thalia, Hugendubel, Osiander, tredition, etc.


        Endearing · Serendipitous ·  Heartfelt


Arthit moves to Koh Samui to perfect his culinary skills at a beachfront restaurant,

while Phuwin arrives to capture the island's hidden beauty for his travel blog.

Their worlds collide at a bustling market, sparking a series of humorous and

heartwarming encounters that bring them closer together.


As their relationship blossoms, a misunderstanding threatens to tear them apart.

Can they overcome their differences and realize their love is worth fighting for?


Framed by the breathtaking scenery of Koh Samui, "Paradise Partners" is a story

of romance, laughter, and the courage to embrace new beginnings.

Follow Arthit and Phuwin as they embark on a journey of love and culinary adventures, proving that the best stories are the ones we write together.

Reading sample

 Chapter 1


Arrival in Paradise:

Embracing New Beginnings on Koh Samui


     Arthit stood at the edge of the ferry, the salty breeze ruffling his dark hair as he squinted toward the approaching island.        

Koh Samui rose from the azure waters like a lush, green jewel, its white sand beaches gleaming under the tropical sun. The island's mountainous terrain was blanketed in dense, emerald foliage, with coconut palms swaying gently in the wind.

     Arthit took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of the sea. This was it - the beginning of his new life. He had decided to move from Bangkok to Koh Samui for several reasons. His passion for traditional Southern Thai cuisine had driven him to seek out a place where he could immerse himself in authentic culinary experiences. Bangkok had offered him many opportunities, but none that satisfied his wish to develop his cooking skills or provided a decent salary that would allow him to lead a comfortable life in the bustling city.

     In Bangkok, he had felt trapped. Despite his talent, finding an employment that matched his aspirations had been an elusive quest. He had hopped from one job to another, each position either stifling his creativity or failing to pay enough to cover more than his basic needs. His small apartment, cramped and noisy, had begun to feel like a cage. The vibrant city life that once excited him had grown tiresome, and the long hours spent in steamy kitchens left him little time for socializing.        

With his parents already passed away and no relatives left in Bangkok, Arthit felt no strong ties keeping him there. His friends were few, scattered by the demands of their own hectic schedules, and his social circle had dwindled to a handful of casual acquaintances.


     And then there was that unfortunate history with his unfaithful and violent ex-boyfriend, Mile.

The betrayal had left a scar, and Arthit was eager to put distance between his past and his future.  Mile's infidelity had shattered Arthit's trust, making the city where they had shared so many memories feel like a constant reminder of his heartbreak.         

Leaving Bangkok was not a difficult decision; it was a chance for a fresh start, a new chapter in a place that promised adventure and discovery.

     As the ferry neared Koh Samui, Arthit felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. The island, with its promise of new experiences and culinary exploration, seemed like the perfect place to reinvent himself.       

     The white sand beaches, the turquoise waters, and the lush greenery all painted a picture of paradise.            

He imagined the local markets bustling with fresh produce, the fishermen bringing in their daily catches, and the lively street food scene that awaited him.

     Arthit envisioned himself learning the nuances of traditional Southern Thai cuisine from the local chefs, experimenting with new recipes, and perhaps even starting his own venture one day. The possibilities were endless, and the thought of it all filled him with a renewed sense of purpose.

     As the ferry docked and Arthit stepped onto the island, he felt the gentle caress of the tropical breeze.

This was his new home, a place where he could leave his past behind and embark on a journey that would not only hone his culinary skills but also heal his heart. He looked around, taking in the colors and the serene beauty of Koh Samui, and smiled. This was the beginning of his new adventure, and he was ready to embrace it with open arms.

     Arthit, a strikingly handsome young man with chiseled features and an athletic build, always drew attention wherever he went. His tanned skin, sharp jawline, and deep brown eyes exuded confidence and charisma.

     As the ferry docked, he grabbed his suitcase and slung his worn leather satchel over his shoulder. The satchel, a gift from his grandmother, bore the marks of many years of use but was sturdy and reliable.        

     People glanced at him with admiration, their smiles reflecting the magnetic presence he effortlessly commanded.

He made his way down the gangway, his heart pounding with excitement and a touch of nervousness.   

     At 25, Arthit made the significant move from the bustling streets of Bangkok to the serene beauty of Koh Samui. He had accepted a position at ‘Ocean Breeze’, a renowned beachfront restaurant celebrated for its exquisite Thai cuisine and breathtaking views.    

     Arthit had discovered this opportunity through a fellow cook in Bangkok. Originally offered to his friend, the job became available to Arthit when his friend chose to stay in Bangkok due to family commitments. Following several online and FaceTime interviews, the restaurant and Arthit reached an agreement, securing his new role.

     The port was a vivid mix of tourists and locals, with colorful boats bobbing gently in the water and vendors shouting out their wares - fresh coconuts, grilled seafood, and handmade souvenirs. The air was filled with a cacophony of sounds: the chatter of tourists, the laughter of children, and the occasional squawk of birds. Arthit navigated through the crowd, his eyes wide with curiosity and anticipation.      


     "Excuse me, where is ‘Ocean Breeze’ restaurant?" he asked a friendly-looking woman selling garlands of jasmine.

     "Just follow the beach road to the left," she replied with a warm smile. "You can't miss it. It's the most beautiful spot on the island."

     Arthit thanked her and set off, his footsteps crunching on the sandy path. The beach stretched out beside him, dotted with palm trees. The crystal-clear water sparkled in the sunlight, inviting and calm. The path was lined with small shops and cafes, each one exuding its own unique charm.

     He arrived at ‘Ocean Breeze’ and paused to take it all in. The restaurant was an open-air pavilion with a thatched roof, perched gracefully on a small cliff overlooking the turquoise expanse of the ocean.  

The structure was built with natural materials, blending seamlessly into its rich tropical surroundings. Bamboo columns supported the roof, and woven palm fronds provided shade, allowing the gentle sea breeze to flow through the dining area.

     Tables were arranged on multiple levels, each offering a perfect view of the sea. The upper tier featured intimate tables for two, ideal for couples seeking a romantic dining experience, while the lower levels accommodated larger groups, with long wooden tables perfect for communal feasting. Soft lanterns hung from the rafters, casting a warm, inviting glow as evening approached.

     Surrounding the dining area, vibrant tropical plants and flowers added bursts of color, while a small wooden walkway led down to a pristine private beach.  The rhythmic sound of waves crashing against the shore created a soothing backdrop, enhancing the overall


     "Welcome! You must be Arthit," a cheerful voice called out.          

     He turned to see a petite woman with a kind face and a bright smile. Her hair was tied back in a neat bun, and she wore a crisp, white chef's coat.          

     "I'm Mali, the head chef. We're so excited to have you join our team."

     Arthit grinned, feeling instantly at ease.            

     "Thank you, Chef Mali. I'm thrilled to be here."

     "Come, I'll show you around," she said, leading him through the bustling kitchen where cooks were busy preparing for the evening rush.          

     The kitchen was a chef's dream, equipped with state-of-the-art appliances and meticulously organized stations.                  

Stainless steel countertops gleamed under the overhead lights, and an array of spices and fresh ingredients were neatly arranged within easy reach.     


Large gas stoves with multiple burners allowed for simultaneous cooking of several dishes, while an industrial-sized fridge and freezer stored an impressive variety of produce, meats, and seafood.

     The clatter of pots and pans, the sizzle of stir-fries, and the rhythmic chopping of vegetables created a symphony of culinary activity. Arthit marveled at the precision and skill of the chefs, feeling both inspired and eager to learn.

     Chef Mali introduced him to his new colleagues, each of whom greeted him with friendly smiles and nods. 


     "This is Somchai," she said, pointing to a tall, muscular man expertly grilling skewers of marinated meat. "He's our grill master. And over there is Anong," she continued, indicating a woman deftly assembling intricate plates of appetizers. "She's in charge of our starters."

     Arthit greeted each of them, noting the warm and welcoming atmosphere.

     "Nice to meet you all," he said, feeling genuinely excited to become a part of this talented team.

     "And here," Mali gestured to a sleek, professional-grade blender and a row of shiny, sharp knives on

a magnetic strip, "is where you'll be working. We've set up this station for you to handle the fresh produce and prep work. I was told you have a knack for creating delicious, fresh dishes and intricate vegetable carvings."

Arthit nodded, his fingers itching to start working.    "Thank you, Chef Mali. I can't wait to get started."

     "Great! Let's get you settled in. We have busy days ahead, and I have no doubt you'll fit right in," Mali said with a reassuring smile.

     After showing him around the restaurant, Mali led Arthit to his new home for the duration of his stay.          

     The little bungalow was a charming, one-room cottage nestled amidst a lush garden of tropical plants and flowers.       

The thatched roof, made of dried palm leaves, gave it a rustic yet inviting appearance, blending seamlessly with the natural surroundings. Wooden walls, weathered by the salty sea air, added to the bungalow's quaint and cozy charm.

     The front porch, adorned with a couple of wicker chairs and a small wooden table, offered a perfect spot to relax and enjoy the serene beauty of the island. Arthit could picture himself sitting there in the mornings, sipping his coffee while listening to the melodic chirping of birds and the distant sound of waves crashing on the shore.

     Inside, the bungalow was simply yet tastefully furnished. A comfortable bed with crisp white linens and soft pillows occupied one corner, providing a snug retreat at the end of the day.      

Adjacent to the bed was a wooden table and a pair of matching chairs, perfect for intimate meals or late-night writing.

     The kitchenette, though modest, was well-equipped with all the essentials: a compact refrigerator, a two-burner stove, and an assortment of pots, pans, and utensils neatly stored on open wooden shelves.

     The windows, framed with bamboo blinds and simple white cotton curtains, let in the gentle sea breeze, filling the room with the fresh scent of the ocean. The curtains fluttered softly, casting delicate shadows on the wooden floor as the breeze danced through the room.        

A ceiling fan, hanging from the thatched roof, whirred softly overhead, keeping the space cool and comfortable even during the hottest days.

     Throughout the bungalow, small touches of island life were evident. It seemed that someone had taken the effort to give the bungalow a bit of decoration, with seashells artfully arranged on the windowsills and a couple of framed photographs of breathtaking sunsets over the ocean.

These thoughtful details added a personal and welcoming touch to the space, making it feel like a true home rather than just a temporary dwelling.

     "Here you go, Arthit. This will be your home while you're with us," Mali said with a smile. "I hope you find it comfortable."

     Arthit looked around, smiling, feeling a sense of peace wash over him.

     "It's perfect. Thank you so much, Chef Mali."

     "You're welcome. Now, get settled in and come back to the restaurant when you're ready. I'll invite you for dinner tonight," she replied before leaving him to settle in.    


     Meanwhile, on the other side of the island, Phuwin was having his own adventure. He had just checked into a charming backpacker hostel nestled amidst a grove of swaying coconut palms.         

     The hostel exuded a laid-back vibe, with brightly colored hammocks strung between trees and fairy lights twinkling at night. The main common area was a cozy wooden deck adorned with cushions and low tables, where travelers lounged with laptops and travel guides strewn about.    

The bungalows, like Phuwin's, were simple yet comfortable, each with its own unique charm - some decorated with local artwork, others adorned with seashells and driftwood.

     Phuwin, a 24-year-old freelance travel blogger and photographer known to his growing number of followers as "Phu the Explorer," was right at home in this vibrant backpacker community.          


     With his camera always slung around his neck and his trusty backpack brimming with lenses, maps, and a well-worn journal, he was ready to uncover the hidden treasures of Koh Samui and share them with the world.

     Phuwin had an easygoing charm that endeared him to everyone he met. His appearance was dazzling - short, jet-black hair that caught the sunlight just so, piercing blue eyes that seemed to sparkle with curiosity, and a sculpted physique that spoke of his active lifestyle. His blue eyes, a trait inherited from his Norwegian great-grandfather, often sparked conversation and added to his magnetic presence.

     Despite his handsome looks, it was Phuwin's gentle yet always honest character that truly set him apart. He had a talent for finding himself in amusingly awkward situations, which his followers eagerly awaited as part of his travel tales.      

Whether it was getting lost in a bustling market or attempting to converse in a new language with endearing enthusiasm, Phuwin's ability to laugh at himself and embrace the unexpected endeared him to his audience even more.

     As he settled into his hammock on the hostel's deck, gazing out at the sun setting over the turquoise waters, Phuwin smiled. This was exactly where he belonged - surrounded by fellow adventurers, with the promise of new experiences waiting just beyond the horizon.

     "Let's see what this island has to offer," he said to himself, grabbing his camera and notebook and heading out. His plan was to write a series of blog posts that would showcase Koh Samui's lesser-known spots - the secret beaches, the local markets, and the best restaurants off the beaten path.

     He wandered through the bustling Fisherman's Village, snapping photos of the quaint wooden houses and the lively street market.     

The village was a charming mix of old and new, with traditional wooden houses standing alongside modern boutiques and cafes.       

He couldn't resist trying some of the street food - a skewer of juicy grilled pork, a tangy papaya salad, and a refreshing coconut ice cream. The flavors exploded in his mouth, a perfect blend of sweet, sour, and spicy.

     As he turned a corner, he spotted a small alleyway lined with colorful murals depicting scenes of island life. "Perfect," he muttered, raising his camera to capture the colorful artwork. He was so engrossed in his photography that he didn't notice the elderly woman selling fruit at the end of the alley.

     "Hey, young man! Watch out for the durians!" she called out, but it was too late. Phuwin tripped over a pile of the spiky fruits, his camera flying out of his hands as he landed in a heap.

     "Ow! What the - ?" he exclaimed, rubbing his sore elbow.

     The woman laughed and helped him up.         

     "You should pay more attention to where you're going. Durians have a way of getting in your path."

     Phuwin laughed, brushing himself off.  

     "I'll remember that. Thanks for the tip. ...and I’m sorry, I hope I did not break anything."

     He retrieved his camera, relieved to find it still in one piece, and continued exploring. As the sun began to set, he made his way to ‘Ocean Breeze’, having heard it was the best place to catch the sunset.          

     Back at the restaurant, Arthit was getting a crash course in the menu. Chef Mali walked him through each dish, explaining the ingredients and techniques that made their cuisine so special. Arthit was particularly impressed by the intricate balance of flavors in the Tom Yum soup and the delicate presentation of the mango sticky rice Mali made him try.

     "Tomorrow, you'll start with the prep work," Mali said, patting him on the back. "But for now, enjoy your first evening on Koh Samui."

     Arthit took a seat at one of the rustic wooden tables overlooking the ocean, the last rays of the sun painting the sky in shades of orange and pink. The gentle sound of waves lapping against the shore provided a serene backdrop to the evening.

     Just then, Phuwin arrived, his camera hanging by his side as he took in the breathtaking sunset before him. 

He moved with the grace of someone intimately familiar with capturing beauty through a lens, his eyes darting across the scene in search of the perfect composition. 

     When Phuwin turned from watching the sunset, his eyes met Arthit's momentarily. He stumbled on one of the steps but managed not to fall, laughing at himself.    

Arthit couldn't help but chuckle softly at the sight of the handsome, adventurous photographer, a faint smudge of dirt marring his otherwise handsome and lively face.

He rushed over to see if he could help.        

     "Oops, you okay? Need some help?" Arthit called out with a warm smile, gesturing to his own cheek.

     Phuwin grinned, feeling the slight grit of dried fruit on his skin.

     "Thanks. Yeah, I’m ok. Oh, huh, I had a bit of a run-in with a durian, so that’s how that got there."

     Arthit laughed, amused by the spontaneous encounter.    

     "Sounds like quite the adventure. I'm Art, by the way. Just started working here."

     "Phu," he replied, extending a hand in greeting. "I’m here to capture the essence of Koh Samui for my blog. And I think I just stumbled upon my first story," he added, laughing.

     "Nice to meet you, Phu. What kind of stories do you usually write about?" Arthit asked as they walked

towards his table.

     "Mostly travel and food. I love exploring new places and tasting different cuisines. There's always a story  waiting to be told," Phu explained.

     "Well, you're in the right place. Koh Samui has plenty of both," Arthit said with a smile. "Why don't you join me for dinner? I've got a table with a great view."

     "Cool, I'd love to," Phuwin accepted gratefully, settling into the chair opposite Arthit.

     As they shared a meal, the evening air was filled with the sounds of the ocean and the hum of conversation from other diners.         

The restaurant's ambiance was enhanced by the soft glow of lanterns hanging from the thatched roof, casting a warm and inviting light.

     "So, how long have you been blogging?" Arthit asked,

curious about Phu's journey.

     "About three years now. It started as a hobby, but it's grown into something much bigger. I love connecting with people through my stories," Phu replied.

     Arthit and Phuwin exchanged more stories of their

travels and aspirations, discovering common interests and a shared passion for food, exploring new places, and experiencing new adventures.

     The dishes that Mali and her team prepared were nothing short of spectacular. Arthit savored each bite,

appreciating the complexity and harmony of the flavors. Phuwin, ever the photographer, couldn't resist capturing the beautifully plated dishes before diving in.

     "This Tom Yum Goong soup is incredible," Phuwin

remarked, taking a spoonful. "I've had it before, but never like this."

     "Chef Mali has a way of making every dish extraordinary," Arthit replied, smiling with pride. "I'm lucky to learn from her."

     As the night wore on, the two new friends found themselves lost in conversation, a bond growing between them with each passing moment. 

     The magical setting of Koh Samui, with its stunning landscapes and vibrant culture, served as the perfect backdrop for the start of their new adventures.        

 If you wish to purchase a painting or if you are interested in commissioning work,

please get in touch with me via the contact page.


Original paintings are not framed. Shipping worldwide. Shipping costs are not included in the prices.

*Please note that the sizes of the paintings in the 'View on wall' examples may not be in 100% exact scale.


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  IMPRINT ·  IMPRESSUM · Tom F. Klein ·  Wiesbaden · Germany · UstID · VAT ID   DE237003201

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